About Us

The Nordic AutoFeed was developed after looking at a problem differently — how can we mimic a horse's natural feeding preference when they don't have the opportunity to forage 24/7? And how can we do it by leveraging technology that eases the workload and cost for caregivers or owners? 

With over 15 year of horse ownership, Nordic AutoFeed is a family-run business that puts the care and wellbeing of the animal above everything else. As horse owners with full-time jobs, we needed to design a solution that put our horses first, while giving us the time and freedom to do more.  

Having suffered the loss of a horse to colic related to limited daily feedings at boarding facilities, we felt motivated to provide our horses with better feed management. The Nordic AutoFeed allowed us to manage each horse's diet individually and proactively throughout the changing seasons.

The Nordic Autofeed is our solution for any home farm, high performance or boarding facility. Regardless of discipline, the common goal is to provide optimal care to our horses. Invest in your horse’s health and wellbeing with Nordic Autofeed.